I am behind on my blogging, but I will try and catch up as much as possible!
In the beginning of March, William, Liam and I had the chance to go to the Shepherd's Conference down in Southern California. William had a wonderful time getting together with some of the men he had served with for three years.
He loves his two fingers!
We stayed with our beloved host and hostess, the Bates, who were apart of our Bible study.
Liam enjoyed being held by John.
We also got a chance to hang out with our dear friends, the Treshams!
Liam is getting good at being on his tummy!
The Mehringers joined us for lunch, and Liam had fun with "uncle" Matt. :-)
We were also able to visit with the Feldis.
And of course our trip would not be complete without visiting with the Dandurands! Kim looks great after having her second set of twins. Four children under the age of Three!
Liam has now grown out of his bassinet!
Bouncing time!
Liam teething on a carrot :-)
Liam had his first conversation with a peer. They pretty much stuck to squealing.
Teething on celery.
Daddy time!
Liam had fun looking out of the window. It was really hard to catch a side profile shot of him, because he was as interested in the camera as the outdoors.
My brother and his fiance Heather came to visit us for a day. Liam was so pleased to meet his Uncle Jason. William and I built our first fire. If we knew how much we enjoyed them, we would have started earlier!
Tim, Lydia and their son Daniel came to visit us. Rob and Christine had us all over for lunch.
The dads were sporting their diaper bags.
While the moms sported our sons. :)
We went downtown for yummy sodas.
Tim and Lydia had their first Dutch Brothers' drink.
Tim and Lydia gave us their team shirts. They are planning on going to Albania to be church planters. We had so much fun having them here.
Liam has a halo of curls...
Another photo shoot... He is so much fun!
He has started to say "mama" now which is so sweet to hear.
You can tell that he really wants to say something.
Liam loves his fingers.
Here Liam is trying to fit his whole fist into his mouth.
Here Liam is trying to sit up with very little support.
Haha, Liam did not like his sweet potato experience.
Liam got all tuckered out from bouncing in his swing.
Our good friend Bre had a birthday party where we all came as characters of a medieval plot and murder mystery. We all had a part to play. I had never done anything like this before, but it was great fun.
William was Wyatt worker who was a serf who was in love with Maiden Victoria (me) who was above him in class. His goal was to get permission from the King to marry me.
Even the meal fit into the time period.
Some of the men posed for the picture.
The girls were a little less serious.
The birthday girl.
Our host and hostess.
On February 28th, Liam was dedicated along with a couple other babies.